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I did it.

I didn’t set any records to the bare eye.

But I did.

I made it from the girl whose parents were told their daughter may never walk; to the girl who “ran” her first 5K this last weekend.

It was a journey that took almost 26 years.

The final time was a little higher than I hoped for, but I did it.  I gave myself a goal of finishing  a 5K before my 26th birthday and I did it.

And now I can’t wait to run my next one. To beat my time I got this time. To continue to prove doctors and all my haters wrong. And to strive for something that I was told was never attainable.  To be a runner.

Will I ever win any awards or get 1st place?

Probably not.

But my award is not letting clubfeet, bad Achilles, or my exercise asthma define me.

I am Megan and I will NEVER be defined by a medical condition.